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Welcome to the First Baptist Church website. We are excited that you've chosen to take a few minutes to explore who we are. We have a wide variety of ministries based upon our desire to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. We do this by worshiping Him in spirit and in truth, by studying His life-changing Word, by proclaiming a saving message that brings people into an intimate relationship with Him, and by sharing life together as a body of believers. We invite you to join us on a Sunday and give us a chance to get to know you! Don't hesitate to contact us if we can serve you in some way!



Fred Harris, Senior Pastor


Fred was born in Winslow, and following graduation from Winslow High School, moved to Phoenix where he earned his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Christian Studies at Grand Canyon University. Starting his senior year in college and for two years following college graducation, he traveled the country as a children's/youth/college evangelist on the comedy team, 'The Right Brothers.'


In 1998, he left life on the road to marry his college sweetheart, Jennifer Dickey, and together they did youth ministry for almost six years at The Church at Arrowhead in Glendale, Arizona while Fred pursued his Master's in Divinity at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary - Arizona Campus.


In 2005, shortly following the completion of his seminary degree, Fred returned to Winslow with his wife and infant daughter to pastor the church of his childhood, First Baptist Church. Jennifer works as a part-time home health nurse, and she and Fred are the proud parents of four children: Natalie, Jack, Sam, and Stacy.

Ted Pate, Associate Pastor


Ted was born in DeQueen, Arkansas, and moved to Winslow at the age of 2. Following graduation from Winslow High School, he moved to Tucson where he attended the University of Arizona and met his wife, Patty. Following graduation he moved to Chilchinbeto, Arizona and began his teaching career. In 1985, he and his family (sons Bryan and John) moved to Winslow, where he finished his teaching career in 2011. 

Over the years, Ted has held many positions in the church. In 2006, as he looked toward retirement, he felt the call of God to enter the ministry. While still teaching at Winslow Junior High, he began taking classess from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. He graduated from GGBTS in May of 2013 with a Masters of Theological Studies. In October, 2013, First Baptist Church called Ted to serve as the part time Associate Pastor of Administration and Pastoral Care. In January, 2016, Ted added Youth Ministry to his responsibilities. He also serves as Men's Intern Program Director at Bread of Life Mission in Holbrook. 

Patty retired in 2013 and is working alongside of Ted both here at FBC and at the Bread of Life Mission as Women's Intern Program Director.

© 2016 by First Baptist Church, Winslow, Arizona. Proudly created with

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