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Bible Studies


There are adult, youth, and children's Bible studies throughout the week. Please contact the office and we will find a place for you in our studies. 

Our primary Bible study is Sunday morning at 9:15. There will be someone in the lower hall of the Education Center to help you find a class.

Radio Ministry


Worship is one of the main functions of the New Testament Church and in our services we worship through music, prayer, Scripture reading, offerings and Bible study. It is our desire to honor God with our offerings of praise and to allow Him to transform our lives through the work of the Holy Spirit.


Our Sunday morning services are broadcast in Winslow on 1230 AM, KINO Radio at 11:00 am. This service is on a one week delay.


Our church also hosts the local broadcast of American Family Radio on 91.3 FM. This network features Christian music, news and preaching.

Children's Ministry

Children are a vital part of our church's ministry. We offer Sunday School classes for all ages begining babies in the nursery through 6th grade.

NURSERY - Ages Birth through 3 years of age is available during all regular church activities.


FAMILY BIBLE CONNECTION - Wednesday Evening childrens' program is currently on hold. Please call the office for more information. 


CHILDREN'S CHURCH - During our morning worship service each Sunday, younger children (4 years through 2nd grade) will be dismissed from congregational worship prior to the sermon. These children will be taken to Children's Church, where they will enjoy singing, Bible stories and other fun activities. Children's Church is offered the first four Sundays of each month.


Other children's programs include Vacation Bible School.

Youth Ministry


The youth are involved in weekly activities such as Sunday Bible study, recreational and fellowship times, and small group in-depth studies. They also participate in retreats, camps, and mission projects. 

Sunday morning Bible study classes are offered for both Junior High and High School students. Sunday evening Youth University Bible Study is at 5:30 pm in Rm 104A. Wednesday night Youth Night 6:00 to 7:30 PM. There are monthly activities for fellowship, discipleship, and service.

                             Contact Pastor Ted for more information.

Men's Ministry


We have Bible Study for men of all ages on Monday evenings at 6:30 pm. On the first Monday of each month they begin with a potluck at 6:00 pm.

Tuesday morning Men's Fellowship/Coffee group meets in room 104A at 9:30 am. There is also a Bible Study on Friday mornings at 8:30 am.

Women's Ministry

We have a Tuesday morning Bible study and fellowship at 9:30 here at church in room 104A.

Senior Adult Ministry

There are a variety of  Bible studies offered during the Sunday School time for senior adults. There is a monthly Senior Adult Luncheon which rotates between several local restaurants and potlucks at the church. The main goal of this ministry is to enjoy Christian fellowship.

HOPE Family Center


The HFC is open Tuesdays from 2:00 - 5:00pm. We are providing hope and care to those facing a pregnancy, planned or unplanned, though Christ-centered ministries. The HFC offers pregnancy material assistance, parenting classes, and counseling for families.

The Most Excellent Way


The Most Excellent Way begins on Thursday at 6 pm with a meal. The focus of this ministry is on addiction support.  Food boxes are available from this ministry as available. Food Distribution 3-5 pm the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month in the Fellowship Hall. This ministry is led by Freddie Campbell.


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